Peter Prokop
As an entrepreneurial-minded manager, I am dedicated to achieving tangible results through hands-on leadership. My proficiency lies in team building and management, ensuring the optimal functioning of teams to meet organizational goals while prioritizing the satisfaction of team members.
Embodying a respectful and open-minded approach, I navigate professional matters with a focus on the task at hand, steering clear of personal dynamics. Humor is a vital component of my leadership style, promoting a balanced perspective that doesn't overly emphasize seriousness. I embrace the inevitability of mistakes, recognizing them as valuable opportunities for growth and continuous improvement.
With a strong background in leadership, I have been a key member of management teams in four leading pharmaceutical companies, overseeing five Business Units in Germany and Austria. My experience spans diverse areas, including Primary Care, Special Care, Rare Diseases, Ultra Rare Diseases and Pharmacy Sales. Energetic and highly motivated, I am committed to offering support, troubleshooting, and leveraging my extensive experience to contribute to the success of the team.
As a leader responsible for co-managing a team, it is important to address the challenges that arise from the absence of a directly reporting team leader in a professional and efficient manner. However, the temporary nature of this arrangement often leads to dissatisfaction for both the leader themselves and the team. The leader may struggle to allocate sufficient resources to provide the necessary support, while the team may feel unsupported and isolated, which can have detrimental effects on organizational processes.
In order to maintain a positive and productive work environment, it is crucial for employees and teams to feel supported and valued. This requires strong and consistent leadership that remains present and attentive at all times. Prolonged absence of support can leave deep negative traces within an organization, affecting morale, productivity, and overall performance.
During times of heightened need Senior Interim Management can provide valuable assistance to teams and organizations. My expertise and experience allow them to step in and provide the necessary guidance and support on a temporary basis, ensuring that operations continue smoothly and effectively.
My approach is guided by core values of authenticity, loyalty, and transparency. I believe in fostering an environment where employees and teams feel supported, empowered, and motivated to achieve their goals. By offering timely and expert assistance, I can help organizations overcome challenges and achieve sustainable success.
Interim Senior Management
Is there an open position in your organization’s critical department? Conducting a comprehensive search process for high-quality candidates can be a lengthy endeavor. This can pose challenges for both the organization and the teams directly impacted. The absence of department leadership may result in employees feeling overwhelmed, leading to conflicts among colleagues and hindering collaboration. Additionally, communication with important headquarters positions may be affected, and the department’s interests may not be adequately represented in crucial meetings.
Senior Projectmanagment
Is your team operating at maximum capacity, experiencing elevated stress levels, and a general decline in organizational morale? If crucial projects are struggling to meet the requisite quality benchmarks, consider enlisting the support of an experienced Senior Project Leader. Entrust full project responsibility for a defined period, confident in the knowledge that you have a reliable professional capable of navigating and resolving these challenges effectively.
Business Mentoring
Leaders who, under unique market conditions, face challenges in achieving their business goals are not inherently poor leaders; in fact, quite the contrary. Frequently, these leaders find themselves grappling with the complexities of the current market environment and personally experiencing the pressures it imposes. Such circumstances necessitate special attention and support for these leaders, aiding them in navigating through challenges while maintaining composure and a sense of control for themselves and their teams.
Sie haben eine Vakanz in Ihrer Organisation? In einem Bereich, der wichtige Projekte betreut? Sie sind auf der Suche nach einer neuen passenden Führungskraft? Ein qualitativer Suchprozess für neue Mitarbeitende kann viele Monate in Anspruch nehmen. Eine Herausforderung für die Organisation und die betroffenen Teams. Fehlende Führung kann zu Überforderungen einzelner Mitarbeitender und zu interpersonellen Konflikten, die in der Zusammenarbeit hinderlich sind, führen. Die Kommunikation und der Austausch mit anderen Schlüsselabteilungen und zB. dem Headquarter leidet. Die Interessen der betroffenen Abteilung werden in wichtigen Meetings nicht prominent genug vertreten. Hier kann Peter Prokop (& Dach-Pharmaconsulting) unterstützen.
In Zeiten erhöhten Bedarfs kann gutes Senior Interim Management wertvolle Unterstützung für Ihre Teams und Ihre Organisation bieten. Meine Expertise und Erfahrung ermöglichen es mir, vorübergehend einzuspringen und Ihren Mitarbeitern die notwendige Stabilität und Führung zu bieten, die sicherzustellt, dass Geschäftsprozesse reibungslos und effektiv weiter laufen können.
Mein Ansatz wird von Kernwerten wie Authentizität, Loyalität und Transparenz geleitet. Ich unterstütze Ihr Unternehmen dabei eine Arbeitswelt zu schaffen, in der sich Ihre Mitarbeiter und Teams unterstützt, befähigt und motiviert fühlen ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Durch zeitbegrenzte und fachkundige Führung kann ich Organisationen helfen Herausforderungen zu bewältigen und nachhaltig Erfolg zu erzielen.